The purpose of the “J-1 Teach USA Program” is to promote interaction and enhance mutual understanding between U.S. and International teachers. Participating teachers are placed in a K-12 host school for 1-3 years and teach a wide range of subjects. During this program, teachers can expect to sharpen their professional skills and take part in cross-cultural activities within their schools and local communities.
All J-1 Teach USA applicants must:
- Meet the qualifications for teaching at the primary or secondary levels in schools in their country of nationality.
- Have a degree equivalent to a U.S. bachelor’s degree in Education or the academic subject field in which they intend to teach.
- Have a minimum of two (2) years of teaching or related professional experience.
- Satisfy the teaching eligibility standards of the U.S. state in which he or she will teach, including any required criminal background checks.
- Be of good reputation and character.
- Agree to come to the U.S. as a full-time teacher of record in an accredited primary (including pre-kindergarten) or secondary school.
- Be proficient in English. Teachers will be interviewed in English to assess verbal ability and comprehension.
- Be working as a teacher at the time of application.
Applicants NOT working as a teacher at the time of application must:
- Meet the qualifications for teaching at the primary or secondary levels in schools in his or her home country (including pre-kindergarten).
- Have at least two (2) years of full-time teaching experience within the past eight (8) years.
- Have completed an advanced degree (in Education or in the academic area he or she intends to teach) within 12 months of his or her application submission date for the program.
Program Timeline
Applications Open: February 1st
Applications Close: June 14th
U.S. Arrival Dates: July 15th – August 15th
U.S. School Year: August-May
Cost of Program: USD$5,500